185 Grassy Plain Street
Bethel, CT
March 2022
July 2022
Over 70,000+ sqft demolition and renovation of the existing building at 185 Grassy Plain Street. Building was completely renovated from an old factory and subdivided into four (4) new tenant spaces with modern offices and new open warehouses for each tenant. The electrical service was upgraded and the interior slab had to be saw cut for the installation of new underslab plumbing and electrical conduits. The fire suppression system was completely upgraded to meet the modern fire code. The gas service to the building was relocated and modernized and a new data service was run into the building. Construction included excavating and re-grading the entire site as well as installing new drainage, new stormwater detention system and all new site lighting. Three (3) new garage doors were cut into the existing building for three (3) new loading docks that were built for tractor trailer access to the building. The entire parking lot was repaved and striped and hydroseed was applied to all dirt areas to grow new grass. Total construction cost 6.5 million.
How it Started vs. How it’s Going