Danbury Career Academy

Danbury, CT

Rizzo Corporation has been awarded to build Danbury’s first ever Career Academy. The career academy will be an extension of the existing Danbury High School and offer students a chance to graduate with specialized skills learned through a career and college readiness pathway.

The new campus at the former Cartus headquarters site will house two different academies with flexible learning spaces, while four additional academies will be integrated at the existing high school.

The academies were picked specifically for growing and demanding fields, this will not only prepare students for their future careers, but also aid in presenting more opportunities after they have completed their education.

            To keep up with current DCA status, please see below.              

Sneak Peek at Current Demo Work

Water Line Install

First Floor Demo & Clean-Up

Second Floor Demo

Remaining Demo & Clean-Up

Sanitary Waste Line Install

Slab, Brick & Stair Demo

Foundations, Prep-Work & Site Grading

Frame Installs, Prep Work, Rebuilds

Framing & Elevator Shaft Install

Weather Vapor Barrier Install

Room Fit-Outs